Tuesday 5 February 2013

My Beautifull Monster

Finished this today . I think it's about Dignity. Life is hard, saometimes you put it out there,
like my ugly silver monster ,you put all your flowers out on show but the people only laugh but if you keep your dignity you havent lost too much.It's like Leneord Cohan says "we're ugly but we have the music".Sometimes I feel sorry for all of us, we,re all trying so hard to be liked ,to be popular , to be important whatever


  1. So how IS your dignity this evening?

  2. hello Barry, i'm Oishin Le Masney. i like your blog and if you want you can follow me at oishinlemasney.blogger.com. :)

  3. sorry Barry Oishins address for his blog is actually oishinsartstudio.blogspot.ie
    Please have a look.
    lots of nice craft projects.
