Thursday, 31 January 2013

pierced-jelly baby Calvery and child in a sweet jar

I did this today. Its about feeling underpressure . I'm trying to keep working as an Orthodontist and do an art degree at the same time and I am feeling the pressure
I also did a Calvery with Jelly Babies. I might do a few more stations. Also set up tumblr account and linked it to my blog. Thats a considerable accheivment for someone with my computer skills

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Sculpture/ Touch

Touch is the sense I've chosen. I am looking at skin and pirceing and cutting it. When I was young the was a story going around that unpleasent people were putting blades into apples and sweets to give to Trick or Treaters at Halloween. The very thought of it made me wince so I might look at sharp things in food.
Anyway this is some of what I've done today

Tuesday, 29 January 2013


Chose my word for sculpture, PIERCE,
I made a mold of my fingers at work today with my dental alginate I then stuck lengths of orthodontic wire through the impression.when I got home I melted a candle and poured it into the impression , when hard I painted them with a wash of oil paints. They look scary enough but not really art more horror movie prop.In fact, visually the photo of the mould is more impressive.
I also made uf some oranger flavor jelly and poured it into a pair of surgical gloves. If it sets I'll do something with it tomorro

Monday, 28 January 2013

sculpture elective

took home my ceramic pieces today put the hairy lady in one of my shelves she is sitting there surrounded by Roman godesses and medeival saints. Shes probabley quite at home because she is a figure from myth. admittedly a compleatly undeveloped myth of my own imagination. But useing myth and myth makeing seems a big part of art. today we heard of Joseph Beuys and his rescue by Tarter tribes men from a plane crash.This may have been true or partially myth. Certainly myth making with works involving felt, honey and fat, based on this rescue story, became part of his ouvre. I've been thinking (going from ceramics to sculpture) about the diffrence between design and fine art. I think in design there needs to be a finished product that explains itself. It says im a cup,drink from me or I'm decorative put me on your shelf. Fine art doesnt need to be finished or even an object, it doesnt need to explain it's self. it says "I am what I am make of me what you will" or as Popeye said " I yam what I yam !". The problem for me is that if there is no obvious technical skill in the making i'm not sure what is art. if i saw Carl Andres EQULIVANCE 7 on a building site I wouldn't recognise it as art but maybe on a building site it would just be bricks. In the tate its art because its sitting there saying " I'm art". I'm not saying that this is wrong and that it is poor art , just that out of context it mightn't be art.The following is a true story. Years ago I was in MOMA in New York we had our youngest daughter in a pushchair. She was asleep so we left her in the corner of the gallery and went around looking at the pictures , as we returned to her a couple were standing looking at her, asleep in the push chair , the woman said to the man, quite authoratatively "this is instalation art". It was the context fooled her!
did word maps today searching for an activity to adress in sculpture, i know it's not the point but i think they look kind of nice in themselves like antique maps or deeds

Sunday, 27 January 2013

Wild day in Kilkee

went dotwn to kilkee today ,to look at the waves. they were 8 meters high, thats as high as a house. I've tried to paint seas like this but they always end up looking small, dry and static instead of huge, wild and wet!
as you can see i got a bit too near

Saturday, 26 January 2013

Sculpture- Easter 1916

I'm starting sculpture on Monday so decided to make a start today. I found a bit of an old tool while scuba diving in the Shannon it was probably used for digging marl from the river bed. The wood is worn and has a nice texture, the metel is rusty and over time a large pebble has become fused to it. It,s a nice well balanced combination formed by man , the river and time. I,ve added 4 bullets I found while diving on the gun running ship, Aud, in Cork harbour.These bullets date from 1914. They are Russian, taken as booty by the Germans after the battle of Tanninberg and sent to the IRA as a German contribution to the Easter 1916 rising. They never got there. The ship was intercepted by the British and sunk outside Cork harbour and there they stayed in over 100 feet of water until I found them. The whole thing looks a bit like a horses jaw and could be seen as a coment on war but thats being pompous I just like showing off the stuff I find scuba diving

Friday, 25 January 2013


hi guys, I just found out someone has been hacking into my blog and sending messages. So any messeges comming from my account in the past few days may not have been from me!!!

Thursday, 24 January 2013

finished ceramic elective

This is it .This is what I'm presenting after my 2 week elective in ceramics. It was great fun we got a stack done. I,m working 2 or 3 days a week so I am only present half the time. I'm very greatfull to Kirean and Elaine who went out of their way to make sure I didn't miss out.The stuff I did is mostley based on the River Shannon between O,Briens bridge and Killalloe, things I've seen and done above and below the water.
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Wednesday, 23 January 2013

My First Jug

It was quite today in college so i went off to ceramics to practice throwing. I was so pleased with the result i wrote I AM 54 YEARS OLD.THIS IS MY FIRST JUG all around the body. I collect lots of old stuff, one of my favourite things is a small wine jug. Its about 2400 years old and was given to a child (the child is pictured on the jug looking in a mirror)as their first wine jug. The idea was the child would keep it through their life and it would be buried wirh them.Presumably that is what happened with this jug and hence I have it. I'm never going to be a born again christian but at 54 I may be a born again artist so thhe jug i made today can be my christening jug. There is something very satisfying makeing something usfull. This came as a susprise to me and may become one of the attractions of ceramics. I'm used to making money to buy things but making something normally factory made and then bought appeals to something deep in me. throwing on the wheel is a very nice tactile thing, it,s an art yuo could express yourself in if you were blind. I am an orthodontist by profession and the gentle carfually controled forces used to guide a pot into being remind me very much of moving teeth
I also repainted that silver piece after a while i thought the silver very tacky

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

naked racu

it was minus 3 degrees this morning much too cold for naked racu,so we kept our clothes on . actually it was all very exciting lots of smoke and flames and some very hot, dirty pots at the end. I finished my hairy lady with a green copper glaze it was the first thing i've done that I think looks kind of professional.

Monday, 21 January 2013

Two Bowls

I'v thrown 2 shakey bowls' I have painted them and they will be glazed tomorro , the designs are loosley based on some paintings of the river I did a few days ago. Also by a documentery we watched today about Jjhon Ffrench, very interesting.

Sunday, 20 January 2013

Severed head

I made this out of fimo

Jetty 3

Finished this. The girl is crying the man is angery. She just wants to escape.
sometimes when im near water i just want to dive in , its an escape, sometimes i do.

Day or night ,winter or summer, I always feel better for it