Sunday 7 October 2012

fish man movie

I've made a little movie about a man who comes out of the river ,he  frightens and then befreinds a horse. Here are some stills, the whole thing is only a couple of seconds long , I've tried to put it on windows movie maker but can't get it to work , maybe I'll ask someone in college.

I have a good visual memory   , thats how my art works . The relaxed part of the horse is a Gaugain , the rearing  one is a Gericault . The fish man encounter is real , diving in the Shannon recently , wanting to investigate a  branch of the river on the otherside of an island, climbed out of the water,on to the island to be met by half a dozen half wild horses . We were like explorers from another world in heavy diving suits . masks and tubes . The horses came over to us as we climbed out , they seemed pleased to see us . I very nervous of them but Sinead said they were ok  , so like a weird procession from  a Goya painting , the 2 of us in a 60lb of diving gear each and 6 horses walked ,together, over the island . They were interested in us to a degree i found intimidating .As we slid into the water on the other side they gathered around us it was half a big horsey embrace and half terrifing.

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