Wednesday 10 October 2012

The small wood where I lost myself

I've been watching contempory artists on videos the past few days and i cant help feeling art is lacking a sense of purpose . I've done lectures on the renaissance, the artist was confident and central to society  . I've been to a lecture to day on Americian abstract expressionism , they seemed angry but driven by an urge to express , viscerally , what hadent been expressed before . I watched  Mark Wallinger tonight it all seemed so smug and lazy , all the refrences hacknyed and irrelavent , I watched Anish Kapoor last night and while I quite liked his huge tube in the Tate modern , it was a huge production for a slight enough idea. Art is important , it sometimes worries me that its not but I went to Austwich during the summer and it struck me that when all is awful and there is little hope for the future people still have the urge to express themselves visually and record their version of the world.I thought today I should get back to painting , I'm good at that so I borrowed a book on Andrew Whytte , the librian said " he's great " and thought " yea but the staff at college look down at this sort of stuff  " yet when i looked thru the book , except Christinas world, it did all seem chocolat boxy and bland , it isnt what i want to be doing either
 The painting is one i did in Poland ,I saw a photo ages ago , titled "the small woods where i found myself "  it showed one perosn in several locations in a wood . This is my maybe I'm now in the small woods where I'll lose myself , we'll see
 I'm just wondering am i listening to Philip Glass while everyone else is watching X-Factor.
Oh , and by the way does any one read these blogs , thats another thing that worries me a bit !

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