Tuesday 16 October 2012

Howard Hogkinson

I've been a bit pissed off about painting , its what I went to art collage to study. Once i arrived I found it seemed unimportant , I thought thats fine, they want us to loosen up and get expansive , I thought thats good and i'll get back to the painting soon . Then I really got into bits of sculpture , wood cuts , ice stuff ,clay and I thought the painting I was doing and even the ones I was looking at were limited and literally flat . I thought paintings dead . Then I got a book of Howard Hogkinson , I'd heard of him , and was familiar enough to know they were brightly coloured , seemed simple and had painted frames , but there never semed enough to them to be worth investigating ( theres more than a lifetimes art in the world to see ) . Anyway it when I settled dow and looked I realised this is what painting is all about .Here anyway its not fully abstract , views of Scotland or from bedroom windows are recognizable, but that not's the point of them . They relate to me  in a purely emotional way ,the colours and rhythm fill me with joy, they are fierce and sophisticated things and everything I do seems clumsey . There is a creative gulf here that I dont think i'll ever cross  

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