Thursday, 8 November 2012

The God of Things Unfullfilled and his Icy Cathedral of Stunted Aspirations , the Church of Ricketts and Despair

I have decided the bird god will be a god of things unfulfilled , still-births, wasted lives , hopes and  dreams dashed. He will wear a cloak of feathers, each embroidered with something that has ruined a life ,shyness,alcohol,disease and so on. He will sail around the world spreading misery and bringing home momentos , things that symbolise the damage done , toys that should have been discarded long ago, religious trinkets etc. He will use these to build his temple

i got the idea for this driving home from work this evening so i called into college and took some photos on my phone ,its all very rough

This is connected to the project "to sense my space" .Artists create their own world  and this is mine.The quality of the artist is seen in the  coherance of the world he creates. Adolph Hitler was a poor artist ,lacking the abilitly to create his own world as an artist, he tried to alter the real world to his vision. He would have been better off sticking to the watercolours!

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